
LaSalle被养老金组织评为“最佳工作场所” & 连续六年的澳门黄金城赌城

  • 最佳工作场所养老金澳门黄金城赌城

    LaSalle Investment Management (“LaSalle”) is pleased to announce it has earned the coveted designation of being a “Best Place to Work in Money Management” according to 养老金 & 澳门黄金城赌城(P&I)连续第六年.

    由P&我致力于识别, measuring 和 recognizing the best employers in the money management industry.

    LaSalle美洲联席主管克里斯蒂·休伯格(Kristy Heuberger)表示: “我们的员工每天都在工作中追求卓越, but perhaps most importantly they strive for excellence in building an inclusive, 丰富人们想要工作的文化. We’re extremely proud to carry on LaSalle’s continued success in being named a ‘Best Place to Work in Money Management’ 和 thank all of our people for their efforts in making this a truly wonderful place to work.”

    LaSalle美洲联席主管Brad Gries补充道: “We view our culture as an important asset to differentiate what makes LaSalle so special, 和 we’re excited to know that the focus we put on culture is once again being recognized by 养老金 & 澳门黄金城赌城. Earning this award amid the uncertainty of the COVID-19 p和emic highlights the exceptional nature of LaSalle 和 our people, 我们对这一殊荣感到无比自豪.”

    养老金 & 《澳门黄金城赌城》执行主编朱莉·塔奇表示: 今年是P&I’s Best Places to Work in Money Management spotlights the unique ways that employers build healthy 和 thriving work cultures. 今年也不例外. 我们12月份所介绍的100家公司. 13 issue grappled with myriad challenges posed by the p和emic 和 met them, helping ensure that their employees felt supported 和 able to do their best work.’’

    养老金 & 澳门黄金城赌城公司与最佳公司集团合作, a research firm specializing in identifying great places to work, to conduct a two-part survey process of employers 和 their employees.

    The first part consisted of evaluating each nominated company’s workplace policies, 实践, 哲学, 系统和人口统计. This part of the process was worth approximately 25% of the total evaluation. The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience. This part of the process was worth approximately 75% of the total evaluation. 综合得分决定了排名靠前的公司.

    关于养老金 & 澳门黄金城赌城

    养老金 & 克雷恩通讯公司旗下的澳门黄金城赌城公司.是拥有49年历史的全球资金管理新闻来源. P&I is written for executives at defined benefit 和 defined contribution retirement plans, 捐赠基金, 基金会, 以及主权财富基金, as well as those at investment management 和 other investment-related firms. 养老金 & 澳门黄金城赌城 provides timely 和 incisive coverage of events affecting the money management 和 retirement businesses. 访问我们的网址: www.pionline.com

    关于LaSalle Investment Management

    LaSalle Investment Management is one of the world’s leading real estate investment managers. 在全球范围内, we manage approximately $77 billion of assets in private equity, 截至2021年第四季度的债务和公共房地产澳门黄金城赌城. The firm sponsors a complete range of investment vehicles including open- 和 closed-end funds, 单独的账户和间接澳门黄金城赌城. Our diverse client base includes public 和 private pension funds, 保险公司, 政府, 公司, 来自世界各地的捐赠基金和个人. 欲澳门黄金城赌城信息,请访问 www.拉萨尔.com 和 LinkedIn.

    NOTE: This information discussed above is based on the market analysis 和 expectations of LaSalle 和 should not be relied upon by the reader as research or investment advice regarding LaSalle funds or any issuer or security in particular. The information presented herein is for illustrative 和 educational purposes 和 is not a recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities or to adopt any investment strategy in any jurisdiction where prohibited by law or where contrary to local law or regulation. 任何此类澳门黄金城赌城要约, 如果做了, will only be made to certain qualified investors by means of a private placement memor和um or applicable offering document 和 in accordance with applicable laws 和 regulations. 过去的表现不代表未来的结果, nor should any statements herein be construed as a prediction or guarantee of future results.


    A headshot of Brad Gries, Co-Head of the Americas, for LaSalle Investment Management.
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